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Live Chat

Live chat rules

Alex avatar
Written by Alex
Updated over a year ago

The live chat is for you to engage with fellow players and share your gaming insights. Participation is encouraged, but please stick to the rules to maintain a good experience for everyone.

  • Keep It Clean and Clear: Avoid flooding the chat with messages or using ALL CAPS. It's distracting and can overwhelm conversations.

  • Respect Everyone: Treat fellow users and our staff with respect. Offensive behavior or harassment has no place here.

  • Protect Privacy: Do not divulge your own or others' personal details, including social media profiles.

  • No Soliciting: Please refrain from requesting loans, or any financial favors. Let's keep interactions genuine and free from transactions.

  • Stay Honest: Suspicious activities that hint at scamming are unacceptable.

  • No Ads or Trades: This is not a marketplace. Please avoid any form of advertising, trading, or solicitation of services.

  • No Bots or Scripts: Sharing codes, scripts, or using bots disrupts the integrity of our chat and is not allowed.

  • Avoid Sensitive Topics: Discussions on politics and religion are prohibited to maintain a neutral and comfortable space for all.

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